AMCI Basic Mountaineering Course (BMC) 2002Climb OrganizationA climb expedition is a journey or trip to a mountain by a group of individuals for some definite purpose. It is convenient and necessary for people venturing into the outdoors to organize themselves in a manner that takes full advantage of the skills and talents that can be drawn from each other.An AMCI climb expedition follows an organizational hierarchy which pulls out the latent abilities of the participants. The roles are well-defined and establishes group interdependence. Team Leader (TL)The TL is overall in-charge of the expedition. The TL shall have management responsibility, direction and control over all the activities of the climb. The TL shall preside at the pre- and post-climb meetings as well as meetings with the climb staff while in the mountain. The TL shall submit to the Climb Coordinator a report summary on or before the second training session after the post-climb meeting. The report summary shall include the Scribe’s Report of all groups. Assistant Team Leader (ATL)The ATL shall support the TL in carrying out its duties and responsibilities to the expedition. During the TL’s absence or incapacity, the ATL shall assume the leadership role. Likewise, the ATL shall perform such other duties assigned by the TL. Trail Master (TM)The TM is the most knowledgeable and experienced on the route to be taken by the expedition. The TM shall provide the TL with information regarding trail conditions, hazards, alternative campsites, water sources as well as special procedures that may be required on a given situation. Oftentimes, the TM is taking the lead along with other AMCI members collectively referred to as the lead pack. The TM shall oversee the placement of ropes and additional safety devices over difficult sections of the trail. There are instances wherein the TM role is also assumed by the TL or ATL. Group Leader (GL)The GL shall be directly in-charge of a group of Trainees or Inductees. The GL shall preside at the meetings of the group. Assistant Group Leader (AGL)The AGL shall assist the GL in managing the Trainees or Inductees of the group. Along with other AMCI members who are also part of the group, the AGL shall provide additional leadership, talent, skills, and experience so that the GL can effectively carry out its duties and responsibilities to the group. During the GL’s incapacity or absence, the AGL shall assume the leadership role. Likewise, the AGL shall perform such other duties assigned by the GL. Team Scribe (TSC) and Group Scribe (GSC)Both the TSC and GSCs shall ensure the accuracy and completeness of the deliberations during the pre- and post-climb meetings as well as meetings during the climb. They shall prepare a written account of the events and activities that will transpire during the climb. The GSCs shall focus on their respective group in contrast to the TSC who covers the broad sweep of events before, during and after the climb. The TSC shall coordinate with the various GSCs in preparing the report summary as well as collect the Scribe’s Report prepared by them. Team Medic (TME) and Group Medic (GME)The TMEs shall provide medical assistance to the expedition complementing the GMEs. Both TMEs and GMEs shall bring with them a first aid kit. Before the expedition leaves for a climb, they shall check their respective first aid kit. AMCI members shall be designated as TMEs while AMCI members and Inductees shall initially assume the role of GMEs. Trainees shall be assigned as GMEs after they have completed the Basic First Aid & Life Support course of the Philippine National Red Cross. Camp Keeper (CK)The CK shall assist the GL at the campsite; directs as well as participate in the cooking activity, makes certain that the menu will be followed; ensures the cleanliness of their group’s camping area; conducts an inventory of the equipment and provisions; as well as perform other duties assigned by the GL. Team Sweeper (TSW) and Group Sweeper (GSW)Two members of a group shall be assigned as GSW. They will be positioned at the tail end of the group. The GSW will make certain that nobody from their group is left behind. At the campsite, the GSW shall check their camping area and bring with them any equipment or garbage that are left behind. The TSW is a group of AMCI members positioned at the tail end of the expedition. They shall ensure that nobody is left behind; and provide necessary assistance to participants. At the campsite, the TSW shall conduct a final check of the campsite and bring with them any equipment or garbage that were missed by the GSWs. GUIDELINES IN CONDUCTING CLIMB MEETINGS (for team or group leaders):During the pre-climb meeting,
On the trail,
At the campsite,
During the post-climb meeting, Towards the end of the climb or even during the pre-climb meeting, set a date for the group’s post-climb meeting. Ideally, it should be at least two days before the scheduled post-climb meeting of the team. This is to give the Scribe more time to prepare the Scribe’s Report.
CLIMB REQUIREMENTSCLIMB FORMThe team leader must accomplish a climb form and submit this to the Secretariat of the club. This is to be able to monitor climbs involving AMCI members. In case the climbing group encounters problems, the club will be able to extend help accordingly (e.g. search and rescue). GROUP MEETINGSPRE-CLIMB MEETING. Attendance to a pre-climb meeting is a must. Here, the participants are briefed on th emanner and type of preparation required in a climb. POST-CLIMB MEETING. This is required in order to get the group’s overall assessment of the climb which shall be useful for future climb activities |
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